Saturday, January 25, 2020
Northwestern Pritzker School of Law
375 E Chicago Avenue
Chicago, IL 60611
Employers are asked to check in 30 minutes prior to their interview or table talk. Employer Check in is located in Lowden Lobby. Please enter at 375 East Chicago and make an immediate right. Check in and employer meals will be at the far end of the hallway on your right.
If you are participating in interviews, please check your interview schedule in Symplicity for the start and end time.
If you are participating in Table Talk, please make sure to check in before proceeding to your table. Table talk takes place from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Breakfast, lunch and refreshments will be served for all employers in Lowden Hall (next to the check in table).
Parking information is available here.
Staff will be on-site all day to answer any questions you have at the employer registration table, located in Lowden Lobby.
If you are off campus and need to reach the school for an emergency, please call the Career Strategy Center at 312-503-3498.
Northwestern Pritzker School of Law
375 E Chicago Avenue
Chicago, IL 60611
Employers are asked to check in 30 minutes prior to their interview or table talk. Employer Check in is located in Lowden Lobby. Please enter at 375 East Chicago and make an immediate right. Check in and employer meals will be at the far end of the hallway on your right.
If you are participating in interviews, please check your interview schedule in Symplicity for the start and end time.
If you are participating in Table Talk, please make sure to check in before proceeding to your table. Table talk takes place from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Breakfast, lunch and refreshments will be served for all employers in Lowden Hall (next to the check in table).
Parking information is available here.
Staff will be on-site all day to answer any questions you have at the employer registration table, located in Lowden Lobby.
If you are off campus and need to reach the school for an emergency, please call the Career Strategy Center at 312-503-3498.